us-routing: cheap routes

If you can afford a couple of miles of error, you can benefit greatly from a pre-cached and optimized graph of all the United States major routes.

US Routing is a Python library for fast local routing in the United States. It's useful when approximations are acceptable. It bootstraps from the North American Roads dataset.

install it with your favorite package manager

pip install us-routing

and then just

from us_routing import get_route
r = get_route('New York', 'Los Angeles', edge_distance="DURATION")

enjoy rich route infromation, lane, max speed, and more attributes

POINT (-73.998 40.751) -> POINT (-74.001 40.746) (0.570 km) 9TH AV, SP_TH_MA, 72 km/h
POINT (-74.001 40.7465) -> POINT (-74.005 40.741) (0.7 km) 9TH AV, SP_TH_MA, 72 km/h
POINT (-74.005 40.741) -> POINT (-74.008 40.742) (0.27 km) W 14TH ST, SP_TH_MA, 72 km/h
POINT (-74.008 40.742) -> POINT (-74.009 40.741) (0.16 km) 10TH AV, SP_TH_MA, 72 km/h